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Club Constitution

                                       St. Johns Bass Anglers

                                     Constitution and By-Laws           





Section 1.  Name


            This chapter, founded April 21, 1970, shall be called the ST. JOHN’S BASS ANGLERS CLUB.


Section 2:  Purpose


            To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport.  To offer our State Conservation Department our organized moral and political support.  To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to demand adequate water standards and legal enforcement of existing regulatory standards.  To detect and report any polluter and call public and political attention to his crime.  To improve our skills as bass anglers through a fellowship of friendly exchange of expert bass catching techniques and ideas.  To promote and encourage youth fishing and the love for this great recreation.  To function as a dynamic and effective link with other chapters and embrace the principles and purposes of The Bass Federation.




Section 1.  Classes of Membership


            There shall be seven classes of membership:


  1.  Active Membership – All persons who are entitled to full privileges of the club.


  1.  Prospective Membership – All persons who have expressed the desire to become an active member, filled out a membership application, and who have not qualified to be placed on the active membership points ladder.


  1. Inactive Membership – Inactive members will have privileges limited to tournament participation for prize monies only.


  1. Youth Membership – All persons between the ages of 14 to 17 who have expressed a sincere desire to become an active member upon their 18th birthday.  Youth members are entitled to all privileges of the club except voting and holding office.


  1. Senior Membership – Members active for a total of 15 years become Senior Members.


  1. Life Member – Person receiving honorary title by club membership.


  1.  Honorary Member – All persons whose general association will enhance the status and purpose of the club.


Section 2.  Requirement for Membership


            Membership requirements are:


  1.       To become an active member, a prospective member shall:


  1.   Voluntarily express a genuine interest in membership.


  1.   Prospective members will complete a membership application, be recognized as a potential member at a regularly scheduled meeting and be recommended by the membership committee.


  1.    Be 18 years of age or older.


  1.   Before being accepted, you must fish as a guest in at least three (3) scheduled club tournaments and attend at least three (3) club meetings within a six month period of original date of membership application.  On the next regularly scheduled meeting after your third tournament, provided you have attended three (3) meetings, you are eligible to be voted on by secret ballot with affirmation by at least 80% of the active members at the meeting.


  1.   If you are accepted by the club at that time, you will be eligible to qualify starting with the next tournament.  You then must beat 75% of the active members who participate in the tournament, or weigh in a limit of bass.  You may also qualify by winning special qualifying tournaments.  At this time you will be added to the points ladder.  You may continue to fish club events until you qualify.  Any person who attempts to qualify for active membership for twelve (12) months, who meets the participation requirements for regular membership, may be accepted as an active member, and placed on the competition ladder at the next tournament.


  1.  Membership dues are to be paid (pro-rated) upon qualification.


            b.       A member in Good Standing is defined as:


                  1.   A member who in a given calendar year attends fifty per cent of the club                           meetings and fifty per cent of the club tournaments, unless excused by                              the President, and whose dues are current.


                   2.  A Life or Senior member whose dues are current.   


c.      To become an inactive member, a person shall:


 1.  Have been an active member, in good standing, who for reasonable           conditions cannot participate in full requirements.


 2.  Be recommended by the Executive Committee upon receiving a written     request and approved by 80% affirmation of the active members present     at a regularly scheduled meeting.


  3.  Possess outstanding attributes and qualifications which, in the opinion of   80% of the membership, will reflect credit upon the club.


4.  To be restored as an active member, you must submit a written request to             the membership committee and pay dues (pro-rated) at that time.  Re-       qualification is not required if former member left in good standing.


d.      To become a youth member, a person shall:


  1.  Be between the ages of 14 and 17 and provide written approval of their legal guardian to seek application for membership.


  1.  Be recommended by membership committee, fish as a guest in at least three (3) scheduled club tournaments and attend at least three (3) meetings and approved by 80% affirmation of the active members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.


  1.  Youth member aged 14 to 17 must be accompanied by an adult family member or legal guardian to participate in club tournaments held away from the greater Jacksonville area requiring overnight accommodations.


  1.  A junior member who reaches the age of 18 while still in high school and who maintains a “C” average will be assessed no dues.


5.   A Youth Member may qualify by meeting the same requirements for an            Active Member as those listed in Article II, Section 2, Paragraph a.5.                  When a Youth Member reaches age 18, he/she becomes an Active                  Member without again having to undergo the qualifying process.  A                  

       Youth Member will not be added to the points ladder prior to becoming                               

       an Active Member.




Section 3.  Membership Dues.


            The active membership dues shall be $30.00 quarterly or $120.00 annually for the club and the current FBF/TBF/FLW dues in force for the year.


  1.   Active Membership Dues – Membership dues are payable $30.00 quarterly in advance at the January, April, July, and October meetings, or at the tournaments in the months listed above.


  1.      If dues are not current, points will not be awarded on the ladder.

  2.      Any monies owed the club will be deducted from tournament winnings.


  1.  Prospective Membership Dues – None.


c.   Inactive Membership Dues – Dues for inactive members shall be $10.00 and are due in January of each year.


d. Youth Membership Dues – None.


e.   Senior Membership Dues – Same as active members.


f.   Life Membership Dues – None.


g. FBF/TBF/FLW Dues – In November of each year the FBF/TBF/FLW dues in force for the following year shall be paid by each active, senior, life, prospective, and qualifying member that will be participating in SJBA club affiliated functions, e.g., tournaments, casting kid’s events, etc.  (Members shall declare in November their club affiliation intentions for the following year, i.e., active or inactive status.)




Section 1.  Officers and Their Duties


            The officers of the chapter shall consist of:


  1.  President – Preside over all meetings and direct all official business.  Appoint and direct all committee functions.  Supervise all club functions.


  1.  Vice President – Act as program chairman, assist the president in his duties, preside in the absence of the President, and publish and mail the monthly newsletter.


  1.  Secretary – Maintain accurate minutes of all meetings.   The Secretary shall maintain a typewritten record or similar hard copy of all Club Rules along with Constitution and By-Laws. Track the status of members, i.e., FLW membership numbers, boat insurance, and release forms.  Track the membership attendance at monthly meetings and tournaments to determine those eligible for office for the next year and for the Founders Award at the end of the year; and in October provide the membership with a list of those eligible to hold office in the next year.  Maintain an up-to-date membership roster with the Florida Bass Federation and The Bass Federation/FLW and maintain regular liaison between the chapter and the Florida Bass Federation.


  1.  Treasurer – Maintain accurate financial records and report financial status at each meeting.  Also, collect and distribute all monies.


Section 2.  Board of Directors


            There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the President, Vice President,                 Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Chairman, Membership Chairman, Immediate                              

            Past President, and one member appointed by the other seven.  The Board of                  Directors will set policy for the club and will have power to act for the club.


Section 3. Committees


            The following committees are hereby authorized as permanent committees.


            a.      Tournament Committee – This committee consists of the Tournament         

                    Chairman, who is elected by the active membership at the annual election

                    of officers, and at least four active members appointed by the Tournament

                    Chairman.  The Tournament Committee is tasked with the responsibility and  

                    authority to determine tournament schedules, organization, rules, prizes,   

                    and qualifications.


             b.      Membership Committee – This committee consists of the Membership  

                    Chairman, who is elected by the active membership at the annual election                      

                    of officers, and four members appointed by the Membership Chairman.  The  

                    membership chairman shall maintain an accurate membership roster and a

                    membership log to track activity dates for each member.  The Membership  

                    Committee is tasked with responsibilities for screening all potential    

                    members for assurance that they possess the attributes of members, and  

                    recommending candidates for membership.  The Membership Chairman

                    shall take all necessary action to keep membership in good standing, which

                    will be coordinated with the Board of Directors.



Section 4. Elections


            At the October meeting the Secretary will provide the membership with a list of

            those members eligible to hold office for the following year per Article III, Section

            8.b.  The election of Officers, the Tournament Chairman, and the Membership

            Chairman shall be held annually at a regular meeting during the month of

            November.  Election shall be by simple majority of active members present.                      Election of each officer shall be held separately in order listed in Article III

            Section 1 followed by the election of the Tournament Chairman and Membership             Chairman.  All voting shall be held by secret ballot.


Section 5.  Eligibility to Vote


            Each active, senior, and life member is entitled to one vote.  Proxy votes are not



Section 6.  Term of Office


            The term of office is for one year which shall begin on January 1 and end at the

            last meeting day of December, or until the successor assumes office.


Section 7.  Vacancies


            In the event of an office becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked an             

            election held to fill the unexpired term of the individual vacating office.


Section 8.  Eligibility for Holding Office


            To be eligible for office, a member must:


  1.  Have been an active member for six months.


  1.  Have attended at least ½ of the chapter meetings and ½ of the tournaments. The President has the power of official excuse and will consider hardships.




            Amending the Constitution and By-Laws


            The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the

            active members present, provided notice of the proposed amendment(s) has

            been presented to the active membership at least one regular meeting prior to

            the vote.




Section 1.  Removal of Active Membership


            Any member shall be dropped from the active membership roll for:


  1.  Failure to pay dues which are six (6) months delinquent.  (Ref. Article II Section 3 Dues)


  1.  Any action which would reflect dishonor and disgrace on this chapter.  Such actions may be brought to the attention of the active membership for determination.  A simple majority of those active members present at a regularly scheduled meeting is required for expulsion.




Section 2.  Removal of Active Membership


            An active member, except for a Life or Senior member, may be dropped from the active membership roll for:

            a. Failure to attend 50% of the chapter’s activities during a calendar year unless excused by the President.

            b. Youth members are exempt from (a) above.


            c. Second offenders of Club Rule Section III Number 15a will be removed from

            active membership automatically for a period of one (1) year minimum.


Section 3.


            The Board of Directors shall be responsible for insuring compliance by active

            members of the above and following recommendation of the Board, the active

            members shall vote regarding whether or not the member is dropped from the

            roll.  Final decision rests on the majority vote of the membership present at a

            regularly scheduled meeting.

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